Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Blogspot 5: Psychology of country music

Most of the Filipinos didn't listen to country music. Because this music is a folk american music. The Filipinos that usually listen to this are the "Fil-Am" or the "Philippine-American people". For me this music is a slow music that uses slang words that are not well-known among us and most instruments that I heard that the're using is an acoustic guitar. But what does country music mean?

Country music is a genre of American popular music that originated in the rural regions of the USA in the 1920s. It originated from Folk American Music. Country music often consists of ballads and dance tunes mostly used by string instruments such as banjos, electric and acoustic guitars, fiddles, and harmonicas.

According to an article that I've read entitled "Country Music Can Lead to Suicide" by bhypes of that tells country music can lead to suicide the the lyrical and musical themes used in this genre can bring a suicidal mood to the person who already at risk of suicide it is associated with high suicidal rate. he also stated that "Country music has an audience that is disproportionately white. Since whites have a suicide rate double that of any other racial group, and since they tend to internalize aggression, this becomes a factor in the country music/suicide rate phenomena. A study by Herbert Blumer in 1969 also found that country music fans have an audience receptiveness to suicidogenic problems such as alcohol abuse and marital discord. In a content analysis of 1400 hit country songs, researchers found that three fourths had the travails of disharmony between the sexes, particularly marital strife and dissolution as a common, prevalent theme. Given a known link between marital breakdown and suicide, this theme alone might nurture action in a preexisting suicidal mood. Country music may nurture suicide through its theme of alcohol abuse, as well. Lyrics often portray drinking as a normal and necessary method of dealing with life’s problems. Field research on drinking behavior has linked exposure to country music to increased levels of consumption of alcohol. Alcohol consumption, in turn, has been associated with increased suicide risk."

This only affects the people that are stressed, having emotional problems and that person that is feeling down. But I think this didn't affect the people that don't understand the music that they listen many people are like that. But this kind of music also affects relationship with other people and can also predicts sexual attraction.

According to another article that I've read entitled "Can Bad Taste in Music Ruin a Relationship?: Scientific Study Finds Music Predicts Sexual Attraction" by Kristina Benson of that that tells country music have factors that affects us example at some point in adolescence, music becomes a symbol of identity to help you belong, this symbol of identity allows you to negotiate the tension between belonging and originality, you get into music that reflects your values, it can predicts sexual attraction and and men are more caring than women. She also stated that "a woman's devotion to country music diminishes her attractiveness to a potential (male) mate; so too does a man's interest in country music make him less attractive to women. But (!) devotion to classical music and to heavy metal rock has a different effect depending on if you're a (heterosexual) man or a (heterosexual) woman. The study says, "Fascination with heavy metal rock greatly enhanced the appeal of men, but it proved detrimental to that of women." And the reverse is true of classical music: guys dig girls who are into classical music, but not the reverse."
I think just like other music genres, country music only affect is you are a fan of it and if you really love it. I think this usually came from the lyrics of the song and by feeling it not just listening to tempos, because  I think country music is more in lyrical pattern than instrumental pattern.

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